Monday, 30 April 2012


Everybody say HATE YOU. :D

Nah, i don't hate you. hahah. This is a new song from B.A.P. 'Power'
They're really not bad actually. Although i've only listened to Warrior and Power. But these 2 are not bad already. 
It wakes me up on a typical weekday in coll's library, ahahah :P
ppl keep comparing them to Exo because the almost same debut time. But in my opinion, these 2 are not even comparable pls. =_= i've just watched Exo's performance on Music Bank.. *speechless* *shakes head* *face palm*

Anyways, this might probably be my last post until JULY. yes, you've seen it right.
Externals starts next week, 9th of May until 25th of June.
IKR, scroll further down this page and you'll see i've only wrote about my previous Externals post recently. 
=_= It all feels like its just yesterday~~~

OKAY, enough chit-chat.

First you shall all listen to this song,

I've probably listened to this song 1239710937109238712093872 times already.
Its an #addiction.
Radical Face in whole creates brilliant songs. go check them out.

You have to read the lyrics tho, it's really something.

I've got no need for open roads
'Cause all I own fits on my back
I see the world from rusted trains
And always know I won't be back..

It depicts perfectly about leaving someone you love behind, wandering away, but you still miss him/her.

I love songs that i can relate. 
This song exudes a carefree yet heart-wrenching melody.

AND THUSSSSS, AFTER REPLAYING IT 283409247209347 times, and also the fact that i was in the library SUPPOSEDLY to be studying... =_= #epicfail.. 

I DREW....



hahaha. I don't know if you get it.. i don't even know if you can see this clearly. =_=
reduce your screen's brightness if you cant. :P
i lazy go change the contrast and brightness, you see the inconvenience of not having photoshop in your laptop. :O
imma go get a new laptop. ><

This was really spontaneous. These days i'm really surprised by my own spontaneity. o____o
I used to just doodle around. A person's face or some silly cartoons.
And even so, most of them i got inspiration from some other artwork.

Its like you look at some artwork/cartoon, then whilst in a boring class you start doodling on your textbook , something LIKE it. not 100% your own, I was always better in immitation then creating something of my own.
Its like i see anime, i try to copy it really hard, but its just not right. I cant freely take up a pencil and sketch a character. Plus, its always with just ONE look, ONE posture. its terrible, unless i having something to refer exactly beside me of course. 

its just not my style.
you cant draw something that doesn't come right out from yourself.
it doesn't have to be deemed splendid by general opinions.
You don't have to get recognition from others anyways, i mean if you don't aspire to be an artist. haha
So stop drawing simple pretty flower, cute monsters that you got influenced from others.
Sit down, get inspiration from something NOT visual. and let your mind have a twist about it. (:

This picture on the other hand, is really me. heh.

while i was studying organic chem.


I found a new song! :P new artist actually.
Nowadays, i just go to and to see what seems to suit my style. i search those songs on youtube, and if i find them nice i download the album. :D
You never know what kind of treasure you'll find there. :P
If you only rely on radios, playing all those hit songs(which are normally too commercialised and not much of my taste) you'll never know how many more great songs awaits you in the corner, seemingly unknown for the time being.

If you like artist like Lana Del Rey.. you might like her too.
But she has a more exquisite tone of voice.

All of a sudden, a picture sort of just flashed across my mind. 
I was like, this songs is a marvelous inspiration for a new artwork. :D



now, where was i. oh right, here you go!


Obviously you can see that this drawing is less crude than the one just now.
Well thats cause i'm home and seem to have more time(when thats really not the case)

I even drew harder and darker so you can see the outlines in this much more clearly,
Actually this isn't exactly what i initially had in my mind, the one in my mind had colours and more intricate.
But i've decided thats too troublesome, and after all i really don't have much time. (i still have my conscience.. haha)

This rendition of the song might be more apparent to you guys. At first i wanted to draw something more haunting and ghastly haha, but nah, not my style. :P later you guys think of Chucky. XD 


I seem to brush up my drawing skills JUST WHEN exam's coming.
I think its sort of a way for me to relieve stress. 
Drawing things momentarily keeps my mind away from this realistic life i live in.
Its a mental getaway.

I draw according to my mood, but in this case, the song's mood. :D


I seem to listen to korean songs less nowadays.
I still have a handful of korean songs in my mp3 tho, they still are the majority.
But i seek more sophisticated songs.
songs with lyrics i don't understand probably allow my mind to think less.
But at times, i wanna listen to something that i DO understand.  

Moreover, i've probably been into korean songs for approximately 3-4 years now, its only natural that i start changing my music preference.
But i still don't have a particular genre i listen to... and i like it that way. :D
Indie, pop, rock.. ANYTHING that appeals to my ears. (: haha


Woah, i've wrote a quite a lot today, it'll compensate for my absence the next 2 months. ^___^ haha
i realise whenever i stop updating my blog, my daily views drop to 1 or 2 or even nil. LOL

Such a realistic world i live in. :P

Oh well, ADIOS!!

wish me luck in my studies and A*-ing my papers!!!!!!!!!


Tuesday, 10 April 2012




This is Wenn's. :D

ps: that's 2PM's Woo Young. heeeeeeeee slightly too fat hor? :p hahahahah :D

Actually i didn't initially prepared this, it happened when wenn said she didn't receive love letter. hahaha
and no cards. so i was like.. hmmmm

took a foolscap paper which was lying around. 
picked up my g-soft black pen and i started drawing! :D
i didn't even go through the pencil part. haha

took me less than an hour i suppose. the colours look more vibrant in real life.
i lazy photoshop. haha.

it turns out less crude that i thought it would be. hah my skillssssss :p
and its filled with loveeeeeeeeee <3

oh and because wenn was so busy with her intern, me with my classes so we couldn't meet up on her bday.
which reminds me.. when was the last time we met ah? :p


This is Han's (:

he's in redang so no way to meet, and probably he too busy kao lui to see me. ahha.

this one i drew a night before, despite the fact i have
a math test, a math competition, club's paper works and crazy amount of studying to do this week. :O

haha, but screw those, its my bro's bday, have to do smth decent. haha :p

decided to go with a 3D block font.
i figure out the ones in wenn's is too cute and girlish for guys. haha

the 'XXI-instead-of-21' inspiration came from final fantasy. :D
and the 'fire' came from the idea of dragonnnn( since he's loong )
but i realise dragon its way too complicated and it might create an unbalance visual in the drawing.
i trusted my instinct, and went with flames instead.

and oh
ps: thats Jessica Alba btw. hhahahaha tried my best liao ):

anyways, i actually mms-ed this to han. LOL. cause i think he won't use comp in redang.
and i dowan my greetings to reach late. haha

so that sums up this post. :D
drawings to 2 of the few important friends in my life. :D

you won't see me drawing these often, :p
cause i don't have many precious friends to draw for. (;

cheers! (: